1st September is the last day applications will be accepted for the Carrickfergus in Bloom Tallest Sunflower Competition.
Alderman May Beattie, Chairperson of Parks, Countryside & Amenities Sub-Committee is asking those young gardening enthusiasts who have not filled in their application to do so before 1st September. "Carrickfergus Borough Council in April handed out Sunflower seeds to Carrickfergus Borough primary and secondary school children as part of the Carrickfergus in Bloom initiative. We distributed application forms to each householder in the Borough and have been amazed by the number of applications and photos received to date, the competition is really catching the imagination of the public. Last year’s winner Sophie Montgomery aged 11 from Carrickfergus grew a sunflower of 3 meters 60cm. “
“Applicants for the Tallest Sunflower Competition are requested to measure their sunflower during the last week of August using a metric tape measure and complete the application form. Additional application forms are available from the Carrickfergus Museum & Civic Centre, Local Newspapers or from the Carrickfergus in Bloom website: www.carrickfergusinbloom.org”
“The Carrickfergus in Bloom Children's Community Competitions have a total prize fund of £350. Other competitions include Poetry and Painting; entries for these competitions must be received by 30th September.”
"Everybody who lives within the Borough of Carrickfergus is invited to take part in Carrickfergus in Bloom as there is something for everyone. By entering you not only brighten up your own house but you also aid our borough's entry to the Ulster in Bloom & Britain in Bloom competitions." ended Alderman Beattie
The winners and runner-up will be invited to a prize-giving ceremony at the Town Hall in October to receive their certificates and prizes.
Link: Sunflower Competition