Alderman May Beattie, Chairperson of the Parks, Countryside & Amenities Sub-Committee launched National Tree Week in Carrickfergus Borough at Oakfield Primary on Friday 19 November. The launch will also highlight our achievements since the year 2000, in which Carrickfergus Borough Council will have planted 100,000 trees by the end of this tree planting season.
Alderman Beattie said "National Tree Week (27th November to 5th December) is an annual event that launches the winter tree-planting season. Every year millions of trees are planted across the UK as part of the initiative. Tree Week is celebrating its 36th Birthday this year and in Carrickfergus Borough we will be playing our part by planting more trees."
"Although Carrickfergus Borough Council has committed to planting more trees, planting of new trees across the UK has fallen to its lowest level in more than three decades. We need more trees planted now if we are to see any benefit for forthcoming generations and with the start of National Tree Week, there is no better time to get planting."
"Although it may seem that there are plenty of trees, the UK is one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with half the average tree cover, so we need to make sure that we don’t fall even further behind. Tree diseases such as ‘Sudden Oak Disease’ that has affected trees in Carrickfergus and throughout the UK are another reason why we need to continue planting a mix of trees."
"Planting a tree is a tremendously positive thing to do and is great fun, even in the depths of winter. There are plenty of reasons to get planting, it's great exercise, children love it, and you'll be making a valuable contribution to our community woodland. To take part in a tree planting event or for further information contact: Stephen Daye, Parks & Countryside Development Officer at Carrickfergus Borough Council. t: 93358039 or e: parks@carrickfergus.org". ended Alderman Beattie
Tree planting events in December:
Tree Planting at Whitehead Recreation Grounds in association with Brighter Whitehead on Thursday 2nd December at 2pm.
Tree planting at Eden Allotment Gardens (off Beltoy Road) on Saturday 4th December at 11am.
For further information on any tree planting events please contact Stephen Daye on 9335 8039. More tree planting events will take place in January, February & March visit www.carrickfergus.org/treeweek for further information.