Love Parks Week 2010 will take place between Saturday 24th July and Sunday 1st August. We are asking as many people as possible to get into parks to join our campaign for continued investment and support for these valuable assets. Love Parks Week is an annual UK campaign, organised by parks charity GreenSpace. The campaign has been established as a major event that is celebrated in parks across the country.
In Carrickfergus Borough we have a number of events.
Shakepeare's Much Ado About Nothing: Don't miss the now annual outdoor theatre production of one of Shakepeare's finest plays, 'Much Ado About Nothing' on Saturday 24 July at Shaftesbury Park, Carrickfergus. Gates open Saturday: 6.30pm; Show starts 7.30pm. Admission is Free, but entry is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early to avoid disappointment. Don't forget to bring a picnic and dress appropriately for the outdoor weather conditions!
Alice through the Looking Glass: For the first year, this event will include a special performance of the children's classic 'Alice through the Looking Glass' on Sunday 25 July making a special afternoon out for all the family.
Gates open at Shaftesbury Park, Carrickfergus on Sunday: 2pm; Show starts 3pm. Admission is Free, but entry is strictly on a first-come, first-served basis, so arrive early to avoid disappointment. Don't forget to bring a picnic and dress appropriately for the outdoor weather conditions!
Big Moth Hunt: Date: Tuesday 27th July (7.30 to 9pm) & Venue: Eden Allotment Gardens, Beltoy Road, Eden. Join Catherine Bertrand from Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland and discover what moth species you can find at Eden Allotment Gardens, Beltoy Road, Eden. Fun FREE event for all. FREE Butterfly ID Chart for all participants. Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult. This event continues the following morning at 10am to ID what has been discovered.
Moth Identification Event: Date: Wednesday 28th July (10am) & Venue: Eden Allotment Gardens, Beltoy Road, Eden. This follows on from the Big Moth Hunt on Tuesday 27th at Eden Allotment Gardens.
Big Butterfly Count: Date: Wednesday 28th July (11.30am to 1pm) & Venue: Bashfordsland Wood (Meet at Oakfield Community Centre). Join Catherine Bertrand from Butterfly Conservation Northern Ireland and discover what species you can find at Bashfordsland Wood. Fun FREE event for all. FREE Butterfly ID Chart for all participants. Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult.
Seashore Safari: Date: Saturday 31st July 2010 from 12 to 1.30pm & Meet at Blackhead Path Car Park, Whitehead. Flora and Fauna Rocks! Explore the flora, fauna and geology of Blackhead Path and shoreline. Visit the weird and wonderful habitat that exists along Blackhead Path with Geologist Ian Enlander from the Irish Whale & Dolphin Group and Botanist John Wann.
Would You Like An Event In Your Local Park? Then please contact us, see details below.
For further information please contact: Stephen Daye, Parks & Countryside Development Officer. Telephone: 028 9335 8039 ~ E-Mail: parks@carrickfergus.org . To visit the Love Parks Week Website go to: www.loveparksweek.org.uk
Postcards from the Park
As if all these lovely events weren’t enough, you can also win £1,000 of Jessops vouchers simply by taking a great photo of your park. GreenSpace has teamed up with the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Big Lottery Fund to bring you the Postcards from the Park photography competition. It ends along with Love Parks Week on 1st August, so take a peek at www.postcardsfromthepark.org.uk and get snapping!
LINK: Love Parks Week in Carrickfergus
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