Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Evening Birdsong at Bashfordsland Wood

Join well-known bird expert Dot Blakely (seen on TV's BBC Wildweek Live), to find out more about birds in and around Bashfordsland Wood.
Birdsong can be soothing and relaxing, cheerful and inspiring. In fact, a recent survey by the National Trust found that birdsong is our favourite spring sound! So don’t miss this wonderful opportunity to hear Birdsong at Bashfordsland Wood guided by televisions Bird Expert Dot Blakely (from BBC’s Wildweek Live).

Bird enthusiasts often get up at the break of dawn to hear the calls of our common birds including chaffinches, sparrows and finches. But this month Carrickfergus Borough Council is taking a more laid back approach with a dusk chorus event at Bashfordsland Wood.

This will be a wonderful experience for the whole family - ideal for all ages and both keen birdwatchers and novices. Dot will help you identify our different birds by their songs and answer any birding questions. Bashfordsland Wood is a prime location for Carrickfergus bird life - come and hear for yourself!

This evening performance is tuning up on Friday 30th May. Meet at 7pm at the entrance to Bashfordsland Wood at Red Fort Park, off Marshallstown Road. This event is outdoors so please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.

For further information please contact Ben Simon on e-mail biodiversity@carrickfergus.org

Event Link: http://www.carrickfergus.org/events/item/537/evening-birdsong-at-bashfordsland-wood/

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