We had
over 100 participants at our Birdwatch events this weekend.
Our bird box builders made nest boxes
specifically for small birds like robins and even smaller birds like blue tits.
At our Bird Ringing Workshop participants were able to ring 50 birds including great tit, chaffinch, dunnock, goldcrest and wren. Participants also spotted a sparrowhawk.
The birds most seen over the three days were blue tit and great tit but our bird watchers also saw plenty of robins, blackbirds, house sparrows and woodpigeon.
A great turn out! Thanks to all involved!
For more information and to submit your results visit the RSPB wesbite
Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr Billy Ashe, joining in the Birdwatch at Ecos Nature Park Ballymena |
Birdwatch, Ecos Nature Park Ballymena |
Bird box building, Ecos Nature Park Ballymena |
Jake, Lee & Beth Duffin bird box building in Dixon Park Larne |
Dan Bondaran, Ruari O’Toole, Harry Reid with their bird boxes, Dixon Park Larne |
Bird ringing workshop, Oakfield Glen Carrickfergus |
Hugo McCollam learning how to bird ring at Oakfield Glen Carrickfergus |
Chaffinch, Oakfield Glen Carrickfergus |